Local elections

Haziri calls against the candidates to resign from the position of deputy

Lutfi Haziri, candidate for the mayor of Gjilan from the ranks of the LDK, in the rally held in the city's theater, called on his candidates who intend to take the post of the head of the municipality of Gjilan to resign from the position of the deputy.

With this call, he addressed Sami Kurtesh, the candidate for mayor of Gjilan from the ranks of the "Vetëvendosje" movement, as well as Zenun Pajazit, the candidate for mayor of Gjilan from the ranks of the PDK, reports the correspondent of the Koha group in Gjilan.

"If they think about becoming the mayor of Gjilan, let them call for them to resign from the position of deputy, but they don't dare to resign from the position of deputy because they have the reserve seat because "Baci" took them for the deputy. If they are brave, let them show that they love Gjilan more than the seat of the deputy", said Haziri.