Election news

What does Vetevendosje offer for pensioners?

A dignified pension

With the implementation of the scheme of the Vetëvendosje Movement for solidarity between generations, which foresees the additional contribution of 6%, where 3% is paid by the worker and 3% by the employer, then we would have available an additional fund of about 90 million euros per year that would be collected only from this scheme. This solidarity fund would go as a contribution to the first pillar, and is dedicated to current pensioners.

In relation to the current expenses for basic and contributory pensions, which are 205 million euros, the solidarity fund of 90 million euros represents an additional increase of 44%, this increase goes to the relief of the budget burden and the gradual increase of pensions.

Meanwhile, with the increase in employment as a result of the development policies of the Vetëvendosje Movement, the number of those who contribute to this fund also increases, thereby enabling a stable increase in pensions.

Quality medical care

The approach of the Vetëvendosje Movement is to provide, in addition to financial security for our pensioners, other quality services that enable a comfortable old age. And here comes the provision of a quality health service. After all, what does it help a pensioner to increase his pension by a few euros, if most of that pension goes to medicine and medicine?

With the functionalization of the Health Insurance Fund, pensioners will be offered free health services, including essential medicines. Thus, with the removal of the burden of health expenses, pensioners will have more money left from their pension, which they can use for other activities, even to make their grandchildren happy more often.