Decentralization on an ethnic basis makes Kosovo a non-functional state
Vetëvendosje had warned in time that the decentralization that was being done to the country would Bosniak Kosovo and return it to a non-functional state. Today, as a result of this decentralization, we also have the request for the creation of Zajednica, which seals the creation of a state within the state of Kosovo, something that Serbia has wanted since the beginning.
Dialogue with Serbia leads to new concessions
The talks, initially called technical, and which later turned into a dialogue between the heads of state, were promised to end with the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia. Today, six years later, there is talk of the creation of Zajednica, the expansion of the Serbian mobile phone operator and the negotiation of integrity in the field of energy in Kosovo, while there is no question of recognition of Kosovo. Serbia even blocks Kosovo in any attempt for membership in international organizations. And let's not forget that Kosovo also received the footnote that never melted.
The sale of KEDS for 26 million euros is criminal
Vetëvendosje had strongly opposed the sale of KEDS at that time, this opposition had culminated in mass protests in Pristina and the dragging of deputies of the Vetëvendosje Movement, who were trying to block the signing of this sale. Then the sale was justified by saying that investments would be made in the network, the price of electricity would be reduced, and workers would keep their jobs. Today, the annual profit of KEDS is 32 million euros per year, meters have been installed that bill more than what is consumed, electricity has become more expensive, and hundreds of workers have left their jobs.
The privatization of Telekom was a criminal scheme to extort it
It was the Vetëvendosje Movement that had warned that Telekom was trying to be sold to a fictitious company, the company Axos, registered in a garage, and with an annual turnover of 300 thousand euros. In other words, privatization was not even the goal, but this was done only to pave the way for the lawsuit in the arbitration court. Today, the Government allocates hundreds of thousands of euros for defense in court, and Telekom risks losing hundreds of millions of euros in this process.
State capture was warned in 2011
When the Vetëvendosje Movement talked about the capture of the state by criminal structures in 2011, many exponents from the government described it as paranoia, while corruption and the capture of the state were described as perception. However, all these warnings about state capture and corruption were confirmed when the so-called "Pronto Affair" was published. Today, although those intercepts prove many criminal offenses, there are no arrests for this work. But this cannot even be expected from a captured judiciary.
(Writing sponsored by Vetëvendosje Movement)