Election news

3 promises of this campaign that will not be kept

Promises for economic development

The PDK-AAK-NISMA coalition and the LDK-AKR-Alternativa coalition once again promised economic development and job creation. How much these promises will be realized, we already know from the past mandates. I believe everyone remembers the 2014 campaign when 200 jobs were promised.

This belief is strengthened even more by the fact that the PAN coalition has not even presented a program, but their promises are only campaign work. As for the LAA coalition, although it unveiled the program, the basic errors in the calculations within that program show how seriously they took the work of promises.

Promises of red lines

Everyone remembers Ismet Beqiri in 2014 when he "confessed" that LDK would never enter a coalition with PDK. And everyone remembers what happened next. This time Mr. Beqiri has not been heard to give any similar promise, but Ilir Deda has taken care of this. As for how much this promise of Deda will be taken into account in front of the old guard in LDK, there is no need to guess too much.

The promise to review the demarcation with Montenegro

Except for some deputies who put the state interest before the personal one, the official positions of PDK and LDK on the demarcation with Montenegro are already known. These parties agreed that 8,200 hectares of land should be given to Montenegro.

While AAK and NISMA were against the demarcation during the last mandate, their joining with the party that signed this version of the demarcation makes it clear what the epilogue of this issue could be after these elections. Taking into account the ease with which they changed their position on the red lines towards the PDK, it is not far-fetched that they will change their minds on the demarcation work as well.

(Writing sponsored by Vetëvendosje Movement)