
The temporary ones

The biggest truth that Liburn Ali has been able to say is that he is a temporary minister, in a temporary government, from which the weather had to come out. So, let's not come to the point where a large number of people of this country will offend him, who do not know any other state but Kosovo, and who would never agree with him for the longevity of their own state.

A robbery with long guns like in the movies; a macabre murder, commissioned by the husband to end his wife's life, in the presence of the children, and a statement, I don't even know how to describe it, by a minister, occupied our minds last week.

Meanwhile, to mention this week another failed session of the Assembly, is like releasing a record of 33 revolutions, where the gramophone needle does not manage to skip to the next line. A collective face-off and a serious insult to the intelligence of a people who have voted for people who hold grudges almost like they are in kindergarten.

The refusal of the government cabinet to give answers to the questions of PDK deputies is a mistake and there can be no more mistakes. PDK MPs should bear in their conscience the refusal to vote on international agreements. However, the Government is obliged to answer the questions of the deputies. That is how the Constitution defines it. So, ignoring the Assembly because of a visit to Gjilan equates Kurt with all the other prime ministers of this country who are drunk with power. To ignore the Assembly, in fact, is to ignore the people of Kosovo, in whose name it takes political decisions. This is also called arrogance. Arrogance has a price, and power can be very temporary.

The temporary prisoner

In the middle of the day, dressed in black and armed with long guns, four people enter a jeweler in Suhareka and steal. On the way out, they confront the police, and injure two policemen. Go. But they also boil quickly.

In an action that we have not seen in Kosovo, I can't think of ever since the liberation, the Kosovo Police came out to arrest three criminals, while the fourth escaped. And what happened yesterday is hard to decipher: in the middle of the densely populated neighborhood, in Arbëri, the Police killed one and arrested another suspect for violent robbery.

The result of the whole action: 7 people arrested, 1 dead, 1 wanted. So, the confession of organized crime, because among those arrested is the owner of a jewelry store in Pristina, who, it is assumed, had bought goods stolen from the hajnat. What kind of relationship they really had between themselves, I hope the prosecution will prove in court.

But what is known for sure is that one of the robbers is a person, whose name is Bujar Basha, and who was released from prison a little more than two months ago. He is a man, according to the "Oath of Justice", who has at least 6 strong convictions for robbery and theft since 2000. In 2005, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. In 2001, he committed the criminal offense of "robbery" and in 2002 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 2002 he committed robbery again and four years later he was sentenced to 8 years in prison. In 2013 he stole, and two years later he was sentenced to two years in prison. In 2018, robbery again and sentenced to 5 years and two months in prison, as well as a 1 euro fine. In 2019 theft, and in 2021 he is punished with a fine of 1 euros.

In 2018, Basha gave an interview to his colleague Betim Musliu - explaining how he escaped from prison four times, including from Dubrava. Without knowing anything about him, except these published convictions, when he listens to him, he discovers a man who has a natural intelligence - but which, unfortunately, he puts to use for crime. But, there are things that it shows there, and that it reveals about decay, namely corruption and crime within the police, within the justice system as well as the correctional system in Kosovo.

However, what is perhaps most impressive about this case is that two of the suspected criminals, one of whom was killed yesterday, were known as Islamic extremists who had supported the ISIS war and the recruitment of Kosovar youth. about the war in Syria.

What were the motives that pushed all of them to organize the spectacular theft, maybe we will find out someday. But worship and religion should have nothing to do with it. On the contrary. And this shows the great danger brought by the brainwashing of many who have been exposed to dogma in Kosovo since the end of the war.

Believers believe that with good deeds in this world, where they are temporary, they will reach the eternal paradise in the next world. These people with long rifles, wearing black clothes and masks, I don't know what kind of believers they are. Even these are probably temporary, or timeless.

With temporary life

Late at night, on Wednesday, it was reported about the murder of a woman in Sinidoll, Pristina. In very strange circumstances, an incredible story where the husband manages to get the children out of the car, while the wife, "who resists the threats" remains in the car and is killed, was forwarded by several portals.

It was about the 30-year-old wife of a former councilor of Behgjet Pacolli, a 32-year-old man.

The woman was buried yesterday. And a few hours later, in Gjakova, because the councilor as well as the suspected murderer are from Cermjani, the Police arrested them both. The glove spoke. And he said that councilor Naim Murseli had given him 30 thousand euros to kill his wife. Late last night, Murseli admitted that he had paid Dorasin to kill his wife - 15 before the murder and another 15 after the execution.

After this statement, Liridona, the murdered wife, is the youngest victim of femicide in Kosovo, but she is the first to die in a commissioned assassination.

The order already accepted by the husband excludes any reasoning that the person ordering the murder was in a difficult mental state and that he was able to act under the influence. Because in this case there is cold-blooded calculation involving a large sum of money with a very nefarious purpose: to end the life of a young woman, a mother, in the presence of their common children.

It would not be the first time that the card of emotional instability was played in violent and murderous men, and in this case potentially those who ordered the murder, in order to go to trial more easily. And if all are proven in court as premeditated crimes, this man would have to spend his temporary life in prison for life.

So the assassination turns out to be true and this makes Liridona one more in the line of victims of the patriarchal mentality that prevails in this country. They will tell me that we are not the only ones in the world where these things happen. But we shouldn't care how others feel about it. We should be interested in why a people who took a century to emancipate themselves for many things still do not understand that women are not the property of anyone, but are human beings with their own identity and self. Why is it so hard to accept that even love can be temporary and that things can be settled by agreement. But not by agreement with the murderer, but between those who, as they have decided to marry, can decide its solution with the least pain.

Temporary state

The last character of this mess, became the minister of MMPHI, Liburn Aliu. In a television interview, he declared: "I am a minister of a government of a temporary state".

So, even after this statement, Ali continues to be a minister of the Kurti Government.

Of course, because for him, such a statement does not mean that one should resign, but on the contrary, it means non-Albanian patriotism, which even tolerates the indirect violation of the Constitution by someone who would have to work on its basis.

I don't know why Kurti doesn't download it. But Ali, ultimately, has proven to be one of the weakest ministers of this government, and if for nothing else, he should leave due to lack of work and lack of results.

There is absolutely no greater political damage in relation to the negotiations with Serbia, when a minister, who came there as, I believe, Kurt's trusted man, comes out and says something like this. It almost proves what the Serbs said about the "so-called republic of Kosovo". For Ali, it is not a so-called republic, but the temporary republic of Kosovo.

When the people in power see our republic that took many victims and sacrifices to become a "temporary state", who among the internationals, even those who are trying to help them, will take us seriously?

The biggest truth that Liburn Ali has been able to say is that he is a temporary minister, in a temporary government, from which the weather had to come out. So, let's not come to the point where a large number of people of this country will offend him, who do not know any other state but Kosovo, and who would never agree with him for the longevity of their own state.

Long live the Republic of Kosovo!

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