On the debate about Xhafer Deva and the nonsense of Albanian animals.
Now that this topic of Xhafer Deva has been opened, many animals appear in public to sell ideas. That Xhafer Deva was a collaborator of the Nazis, this is documented. In one photograph, he is seen together with a Nazi officer and Kosta Pecanci, a Chetnik commander and collaborator with the Nazis, walking through Podujevo during the Second World War. How do they go together - the Chetnik and the Albanian nationalist?
They go because they are both collaborators of the Nazis. This job is that simple. There are also other photographs where Xhafer Deva is seen next to Nazi officers as their mercenaries in Albanian villages. Seduced by the regime of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, some Albanian politicians aligned themselves with Nazi-fascism. They may have believed that in this way they would secure the borders of an Albanian state in the Balkans, but the alignment was a serious mistake.
Other Albanians fought Nazism. Some believed in communism, some did not, but they were opponents of the murderous Nazi ideology and they did not make any mistake here: they were on the side of America, Great Britain and other anti-Hitler powers.
The Albanian collaborationists promised the Nazis that they would mobilize up to 150 thousand volunteers who would fight alongside the Nazi forces. Not even 7000 were made. German Nazi officers complained about the colossal lack of discipline of the members of the so-called "Skënderbeu Division". In October 1944, this "division" was disbanded. It was founded in May. Even 6 months did not work. The Nazi plan failed. Cooperation with the Nazis is not a chapter that Albanians should be proud of.
Nor is the restoration of Xhafer Deva's house a patriotic act. Kosovo institutions should give up this project immediately and distance themselves before this issue becomes a big topic in international opinion. The reaction of the German ambassador was a warning.
For starters, anyone who is interested in the history of the Albanian collaborators of Nazism, can read the book of the Swiss historian Franziska A. Zaugg (Albanische Muslime in der Waffen-SS. Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag. 346 pages). Or the historian David Motadel's book (Für Prophet und Führer. Die islamische Welt und das Dritte Reich. Albanian: For the prophet and the leader. The Islamic world and the Third Reich).
These books should have been translated into Albanian. They have not been translated, because our historians and history institutes deal with peripheral topics, with strained patriotic narratives or with scandalous glorifications.
David Motadel writes that when the chief mufti of Jerusalem, located in Berlin, Mohamed Amin al-Husseini, visited Sarajevo, a delegation of Muslim dignitaries from Kosovo also came to the capital of Bosnia. Who were these people? We don't know. Because it has not been researched.
When the Second World War reached its climax (in 1941-1942) and Hitler's troops penetrated the Muslim-populated regions of the Balkans, North Africa, the Crimea and the Caucasus and were approaching the Near East and Central Asia, in Berlin the Nazis began to perceive Islam as something that could be used politically - against the British Empire, the Soviet Union, America. And the Jews. Thus writes the historian David Motadel.
The Nazis accepted sharia, Islamic foundations (waqfs) and madrassas. The Nazi leaders were referring to the German Emperor Wilhelm II, who in 1898, after visiting Saladin's tomb in Damascus, Syria, declared himself "the friend of 300 million Mohammedans". Later, in the Nazi era, the newspaper "Völkischer Beobachter" wrote: "This war can bring freedom to Islam." In Bosnia, the Nazis supported the "Hanxhar" division, in the Albanian provinces the "Skënderbeu division". At the beginning of 1943 the chief mufti of Jerusalem Mohamed Amin al-Husseini visited Zagreb, Banja Luka and Sarajevo. He met with heads of the Muslim community and called for an alliance with Adolf Hitler.
Some voices of digital idiots from the Albanian sphere shout in defense of Xhafer Deva, saying that he fought communism. "CIA files" with allegedly positive descriptions of Xhafer Deva are circulating on the net. This is a ridiculous tendency to prove that everything Americans say is morally pure. Its not.
Take the example of the German rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, who during Hitler's reign led the development program of the V2 rocket. After the Second World War he - now an American citizen - worked for NASA and made a substantial contribution to the later man landing on the moon. He was not the only Nazi engineer in the service of America.
Sometimes even Americans do not choose their collaborators. They also used Xhafer Deva in their battle against communism. Even in America, the topic of the extermination of the Jews has been silent for a long time. Only in 1978, with the appearance of the four-part series "Holocaust", this topic penetrated the public. In 1979 it appeared in Germany and sparked widespread public debate on German collective responsibility for crimes against Jews.
The example of the overthrow of the president of Chile Salvador Allende in 1973 shows that the Americans are also wrong. The coup against him was organized by the CIA. Augusto Pinochet, a fascist, came to power. Even American politicians admit that the overthrow of Allende was a mistake. Short and Albanian: It is not a patriot, it is the argot of the fascists. The bad thing is that this is not how it is taught in Kosovo schools. And this is wrong.