The lack of political agape for two decades, with party identity divisions, has created an ambivalent relationship between political figures and citizens, thus creating an antagonistic relationship, creating great disappointment among citizens due to immense lies and corruption of all colors, all due to lack of agape and non-political character
Post-war Kosovo created a new map of political identities, all resistance was raised on the acronyms left, right, pro-Western and others... and the whole triumphant battle was a kind of superficial sufficiency. Post-war hope was the most powerful call over fears and doubts about overcoming the darkness of time and the faded experiences of post-war circumstances.
Throughout this quarter of a century, an abundant difference was created within the political geographical space, on political identities but not with agape, however political differences have been shaped by the transformation of battles but in the absence of political agape. These political identities did not focus on the organic and cooperative society which would also focus on political emancipation, on the debate on the development of society, as on the conservative topics of the right, social democrats or even liberal ones because there was no agape.
The different narratives in the political market gained acceptance and dominance at certain times, but the essential divisions were placed on the political ideas of the right or the left, despite the fact that there are still no accurate profiles due to the economic and social condition of the country's citizens. What has happened is when the citizens of the country appreciate at the agape level that they do not support the leaders as heads of subjects only, but because they like the political causes, the attitudes and the way they handle the topics of national and state interest. So, agape has enabled us to like great works, even political ones.
Undoubtedly, after the declaration of independence in 2008, there was a shift in political attention when the gravity of political battles was focused on the process of privatization of social assets, in the name of free market economy. But, as a result, the differences and rivalries between the interest groups ("oligarchs"), which were ranked behind the political subjects, which then manifested political battles for the dominance of interests, which offered immense promises and of course lies to the citizen with bags, deepened. Differences and rivalries were perceived precisely as a need for the dominance of political interests, which deepened enough to cause unconventional political conflicts. The great influence of interest groups on political subjects created an arena of political identity confrontations, as well as a geographical division which easily enabled them to mobilize the voter base, but, unfortunately, these struggles created a ban on the consolidation of institutional power throughout the territory of Republic. The depth of many identity divisions was implied as the pluralism of the political system, but on the political geography of the country, it served as a populist trump card for the political leaders of the time who were unable to separate the strengthening of the social order throughout the territory from the economy and the redistribution of social assets. through privatizations to groups connected to politics, all in vain.
Martin Luther King would think otherwise, he defined the concept of agape as human faith to recognize and affirm the good, for well-being and the solution of human problems from politics through public policies, political agape as completely spontaneous, motivated by humanity with a creative basis only for the common good.
The lack of political agape for two decades, with party identity divisions, has created an ambivalent relationship between political figures and citizens, thus creating an antagonistic relationship, creating great disappointment among citizens due to immense lies and corruption of all colors, all due to lack of agape and non-political character.
Political agape is based on works in time, on creations and not pressures, on truths that prevail over dogmas and not on the propaganda that has clouded the political geography for two decades. Since we live in a region where patriotism has been dominated by political nationalism, then we inevitably have to educate ourselves with political agape for the love of the country, with the heart and mind and humanity, for our relatives as for ourselves; with voluntary, unconditional and unending, comprehensive agape, for the prosperous good and the greatness of the country of the Republic.
(The author is an expert on international relations)