
Denial with seal

Gërvalla's reaction to the decision that Kosovo should not be included in the agenda of the Committee of Ministers yesterday is exactly what can be expected from someone who, as the chief diplomat, uses the expression "paper tiger", guessing for himself that he is the minister of some superpower from which tigers and cats hang. It can only further irritate those who have decided to punish us with a postponement of admission to a body that is identified with the protection of human rights

So, Kosovo did not enter the agenda of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and remained without membership yesterday. 

Reason? The insistence of some of the powerful EU states that Kosovo undertake concrete steps for, practically, the establishment of Zajednica, either with the Constitution or without it.

So, a condition that was heard by the public three or four weeks ago. A condition which is part of a completely different political process, with many unexplained things, with an absolutely negative attitude of Serbia and with a selective intervention by the mediators, who could easily be blamed for yesterday's failure. 

The list of culprits can be long - starting from the obligation taken in 2013, ratified by the Assembly, added with a new agreement in 2015 - that is, the political legacy of the entire current opposition, as well as the current government and the head of state.

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At the time when the threat with this condition began, Prime Minister Kurti was campaigning in Macedonia, Minister Gërvalla was "lobbying" Arbëresh residents in Italy, and President Osmani was taking pictures with a cowboy hood in Texas. Meanwhile, the opposition was wringing its hands in anticipation of failure.

A day before the Committee of Ministers, Gërvalla sent a letter addressed to the Parliamentary Assembly, probably the wrong address, promising that a draft statute of the Association worked on by the Government would be sent to the Constitutional Court at the end of May. 

In the afternoon, Osmani's media adviser was notified and stated that she had not been consulted at all about this letter, while during the day she had met with some of the five ambassadors.

It seems very strange how Osmani and Gërvalla did not communicate about the topic and the letter. In fact, it doesn't even seem like it, because they were only able to get together somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between trips. Being the founders of the same political subject, being each other's political "godfathers", this lack of coordination seems very strange, especially considering that foreign policy must be coordinated between these two positions plus the prime minister. With or without coordination, the letter went to Strasbourg without arriving where it was supposed to.

In addition to recalling that in the time before the meeting of the KiE Parliamentary Assembly, Vucic was invited to visit Macron in France - one of the countries that has complicated the process and that could have influenced the non-inclusion in the agenda. Who knows how many visits and contacts the diplomats of this country have made around Europe. But not even our officials. Not Osmani. Which had to take the flag and communicate as much as possible with the representatives of the European countries, especially in this last month. Instead, he went to Texas, and stayed a week there.

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The minimum action of this failure should be the resignation of the minister Donika Gërvalla. The paper tiger bared its teeth at both her and us.

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And now the blood and political ambitions were ignited and the campaign for early elections started again. LDK and AAK demand that Kurti resign, Kurti and Krasniqi of PDK seem to have agreed on the dissolution of the Assembly. But even here, the narrative is not entirely complete – Kurt invites everyone to vote for dissolution.

It remains to be seen which mode will be chosen to go to early elections, but there will definitely be elections this year. But it will be a matter of calculating which time will be more suitable: summer, when a large part of the diaspora is also here, or autumn, when the days are short and the number of voters will be potentially smaller. Anyway, there will be calculations by the parasites of the Assembly, who will be left without salaries if the Assembly is dissolved... so why not see the benefit of the mandate for another month, including August when they rest (because they are done working), eventually take them out a few days from some pointless study trip somewhere.

Thanks to the meeting between Kurti and Krasniqi, a certain number of international agreements were finally passed, for which situation the opposition parties are also to be blamed, because it is known that they cannot be passed without having 80 votes. The blocking of agreements for a year has only harmed Kosovo and its citizens, while it has not brought any benefit to the opposition political parties. Bash none. He didn't even give them a chance to brag.

The two laws, which have long been contested by the Islamic line of deputies of the VV and some other parties, seem unlikely to pass in this legislature. And while the main blame will be borne by the VV, with the impossibility of securing the 61 votes of the quorum to pass the Civil Code and the Law on Assisted Fertility, the blame for their failure also falls on the opposition parties - which for a point angry with the VV, do not participate in the session, where they may not participate in the vote, to pass the laws. So the denial of the rights provided by these laws, they are also doing with their inaction. Proving that party and political calculations are more important. And what does this show: it is not that we have learned much in 20 or so years of parliamentarianism and it is not that we have matured politically yet.

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Well, the elections will come and we will see what results they will end up with. In any case, it will be a good chance to clear the electoral lists of the deputies who accidentally became such, or even became and then changed "houses" by moving from one party to another. It will also be a new political combination in power, because hardly any party will win an absolute majority to govern alone. 

It will be very interesting to see if the parties that spend their time cursing each other, or the mutual leaders, "unexpectedly and without remembering" will come together in power and how they will divide the ministerial portfolios. If the new government will have this structure, or if ministries will be added (it is unlikely that they will be removed) to accommodate the agreements. It will be very important who becomes prime minister and who will be the ministers of a government that would have to bring change, which did not happen substantially in the last three years. 

It would be extremely important to know who would become the minister of the economy and if the new government would have a coherent plan of economic development and the cessation of the distribution of pieces of the budget that do not solve even the smallest percentage of the budget for anyone. the problem.

For this government, which will reach its three and a half year term, it can be said that it will be remembered for two positive things: that the level of corruption has not had the style of stealing money in tenders without any pain, as well as with the measures and actions taken in the north - the special unit, license plates, identity cards, driver's licenses, the imposition of the euro as a single currency - all these are things that should have been implemented a decade ago and were not implemented. It will also be remembered for weak ministers with disappointing results and no idea how to proceed. But the most accurate analysis, when the elections are announced.

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Gërvalla's reaction to the decision that Kosovo should not be included in the agenda of the Committee of Ministers yesterday is exactly what can be expected from someone who, as a chief diplomat, uses the expression "paper tiger", conjecturing himself that he is a minister of some superpower from which tigers and cats hang. 

It can only irritate even more those who have decided to punish us with a postponement of admission to a body that is identified with the protection of human rights.

The non-inclusion of Kosovo in the agenda yesterday is a denial of a right that all citizens of Kosovo would enjoy regardless of ethnicity, and this denial came with a seal. 

The seal has the form of blackmail and ignorance together. Blackmail, to smuggle a demand that has been mismanaged by everyone, including the EU, for years. Ignoring because a recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly is chosen not to be taken into account at all, with the reasoning that "we are examining the issue of Kosovo's membership", to remember that there are 70 other countries that are waiting for membership. 

It's not the first time. And it still hurts just the same. But this pain cannot be known by those who have never felt it.

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