Former ambassador and professor of history and international relations, Sylë Ukshini, said on the "Tempus" show on KTV that, unlike the war years when countries with economies were sanctioned, now individuals and companies are the targets.
He made this statement while discussing the expansion of US sanctions in the Western Balkans.
"If we look at the former Yugoslavia, there is no doubt that this entire architecture of peace is an investment and determination of the United States of America," said Ukshini, adding that there are countries that have attempted to undermine this architecture.
"There are certain places, that is, that this establishment of this architecture, this success, have always tried with different actors, internal or external, to undermine it," he said.
He also emphasized that, unlike the European Union which lacks consistency, the US has shown longer consistency in punitive measures.
"And I think that's good. However, as unfair as it may seem to us sometimes, ultimately this is how politics works," Ukshini said.
According to him, the US remains the main player controlling and maintaining peace in the region./Oath for Justice