The coordinator of the Department of Justice in the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Shkëmb Manaj, said that the overthrow of the Law on the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo (KPK) by the Constitutional Court is good news, since according to him in this form, the Government and the party in power - the Vetëvendosje movement, failed to capture the KPK.
He emphasized in the "Tempus" nw KTV show that they were convinced from the beginning that this Law is unconstitutional and that they do not consider this a victory for the opposition, but a victory for justice.
"It is a victory for justice, it is a victory for the rule of law in this country, for preserving our legal system, for preserving the independence of independent constitutional institutions, and it is good news because the Government of Kosovo and the parliamentary majority - the Vetëvendosje Movement, do not managed to capture this independent constitutional institution and not only to capture this independent constitutional institution, but to interfere in the independent constitutional institutions", said Manaj.
He added that if it is considered that these institutions have been captured, justice reform is not done by recapturing the independent constitutional institutions.