Kosovo in general is rich in aerological objects and exhibits, which belong to different periods. "Stela", 1500 years old, which was found in the village of Koretin in Kamenica, is one of the most precious old monuments that this municipality has. Even a piece of it has become part of one of the museums in Chicago, USA.
The village of Koretin, which lies 6 km southeast of the city of Kamenica, in addition to its natural beauty, is also known for its cultural and archaeological wealth.
Hundreds of old monuments belonging to different periods have been found in this village.
Behar Hyseni, director of the Directorate of Culture and Sports in Kamenica, mentions some of the most special artifacts that have been found in this municipality.
"Kamenica is extremely rich with aerological artifacts from different periods, starting from the period of antiquity, where we have several localities that belong to that period, such as the case of the locality of Korina, in the Castle of the city of Kamenica. We also have artifacts from the Middle Ages, but also from modernity and the Ottoman period, where we have many objects that are on the List of Cultural Heritage", declares Hyseni.
"Regarding the latest findings, this is the case in the month of October, here in the city of Kamenica, specifically in the locality of Korina, where during the excavations of a private property, an altar was found which belongs to the period of antiquity, specifically to the period of late antiquity- the roman period. This aerological artefact, in coordination with the Institute of Aerology, has been brought to Pristina, where it is undergoing a process of decipherment and research, and after the completion of this process we will know exactly which period it belongs to and what content this artefact has. The writing is in Latin and it will not be a problem to study further. So far we know that the altar belongs to a Roman god and belongs to a period between the second and fourth centuries", he adds.
"Stela", 1500 years old, which was found in the village of Koretin in Kamenica, is one of the most precious old monuments that this municipality has. Even a piece of it has become part of one of the museums in Chicago, USA.
"Another asset that we as a municipality have are the stelae. Describes a funeral ceremony. This stele consists of three parts, two of which we have here in Kamenica, while the third part is owned by the National Museum in Pristina. The same has been exhibited in the USA, specifically in Chicago and is currently there. The age of this stele is thought to be 1500 years and it was found in the locality of Koretin in Kamenica", emphasizes Hyseni.
As he mentions numerous archaeological findings that have been found over the years in the city of Kamenica, he requests from the relevant institutions the construction of a museum, in which these cultural artifacts of this area would be exhibited.
"We also have some other artifacts here in the museum corner. For example, pitos, which is 1700 years old. Pitosi was used for grain storage, and this was found in the Municipality of Kamenica. Hundreds of artifacts have actually been found in Kamenica, while the handicap remains the lack of a museum, where the entire archaeological wealth of Kamenica could be exhibited. We have tried here at the House of Culture to improvise the museum corner, but we are also trying to find a solution for a locality for the city museum", declares Hyseni.
Thousands of old monuments and objects have been found in Kosovo, which have simultaneously witnessed the antiquity of the Albanians. Most of them are on the List of Cultural Heritage for Protection.