"Xhemajl Abria", the KTV series dedicated to the outstanding historical figure

More than two decades since Kohavisioni started the trend of television series in the country, another production enriches the programming scheme by tracing the spiritual heritage of the country. Xhemajl Abria personifies the wise old man who solved problems in times without law and justice systems. His portrait comes in the dimension of blood reconciler and contributor to national issues.

Invited to the "Through Film" show, Rea Surroi, executive producer of KTV, at the same time producer of the series, said that the idea for making the series was spontaneous.

He further showed that the purpose of this production was to convey and present the wisdom of Xhemajl Abria to the country's audience, especially to the young age.

"We are living in a contemporary society which has traditional elements interwoven into it. I think it's kind of a big contrast that we experience as a generation, because we still have the traditional norms that we live by every day. I think that, in this case, the wisdom of Xhemajl Abria is necessary for our society. Peace is paramount. At the same time, we thought that the diaspora and the new generations should get to know the spiritual and traditional part of our society", Surroi stated.

Through the artistic project, the messages of more than a century ago are conveyed on the television screen in modern times as a kind of retrospective. Especially as a reflection on the narrative of the functioning of the country when the word was law. The main character is the erudite figure of the "Elder of Kosovo".

The fifth episode of the series will be broadcast on Kohavision on Friday. Surroi has confirmed that the filming of the other five episodes has begun, but the plans for this project are even bigger.