Civil status offices in Albania have before them an instruction that informs the clerks that the parents who come to register the newborn child should not keep certain names, reports KJ.
Here are the banned names in Albania:
Complaint, Arancata, Avash
Frog, Berr, Imprisonment, Ballokume
Car, Cub, Currane, Currele, Careva, Carina, Cbane
Dert, Derman, Dovle, Durak
Screen, Eros
Ferman, Federation, Fodulle
Gazep, Gallata, Errors, Groshe, Gjezap
Hyzmet, Hice, Hafije, Helme
Irony, Jermsine
Bad, Bad, Krajlice
Appetizer, Mercy, Enough, Enough, Enough, Ends, Remains, Close, Accept Stop
Sadness, Pafate, Why?
Rike, Rakita
Pepper, Sauce, Stenate,
Quarrels, Cuts, Cuts