The reaction of the KPK and the ZPCSH was made on Tuesday, a day after the Deputy Minister of Justice, Blerim Sallahu, shared a post by the Director of Finance at Telekom, Feim Kelmendi, where he called the Special Prosecutor's Office a "criminal organization".
The Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo (KPK) and the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor (ZKPSH) have reacted to the Deputy Minister of Justice, Blerim Sallahu, after he, on Monday, shared a status on Facebook of the director of Finance at Telekom, Feim Kelmendi.
In his post, Kelmendi called the Special Prosecutor's Office a "criminal organization", as it has launched investigations into several contracts.
The KPK and the Office of the Chief Prosecutor in their joint response to Sallah have said that the "criminal organization" designation of the Prosecutor's Office creates uncertainty for prosecutors and their families. The reaction states that the post "contains extremely inciting, tendentious, propagandistic and lynching content towards this prosecution and its prosecutors".
"KPK and OPPSH declare that instead of Deputy Minister Sallahu committing himself and having maximum commitment, will and increased initiatives for capacity building, through increasing the budget of the prosecutorial system for 2025, he is put at the forefront of systematic attacks on prosecutions, prosecutors and the entire prosecutorial system, forgetting its duty and responsibilities to deal with issues of advancement and capacity building through budget allocation, which will to meet the necessary needs for the performance of work, the absence of which creates barriers and presents great difficulties in the realization of institutional responsibilities", says the reaction.
These two institutions have declared that they will not stop, as they say, before the "public lynching" of political exponents, and that they have targeted the Special Prosecutor's Office and have launched a denigrating offensive against the general values of the prosecutorial system.
"We also underline that the work, responsibility, competence and mission of the prosecutor's offices and state prosecutors are not a matter of the will and the will of certain individuals and will always remain outside any agenda of daily politics and we will not tolerate the realization of the goals of sojit of Mr. God bless you, because the State Prosecutor is daily intensifying concrete commitments for the clarification of all cases, including cases against suspected officials who are in power, not avoiding the mission and independence of the prosecutorial system of the Republic of Kosovo. , it is further stated in the reaction.
Even the general secretary of the PDK reacted to the status that Sallah distributed.
She said that Sallah is "spreading insulting, threatening and humiliating language towards the Prosecutor's Office".
"When children use such language at home, their parents warn them, and at school they get a 1 in their behavior," she wrote.