
"Cultural Summer of Vienna" also speaks Albanian with the literature of Shpëtim Selman

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"Any literary thing, any translation is also good for Albanian literature, because then people are interested. I would like to be a good motive to explore Albanian literature", said Shpëtim Selmani, when he spoke about the presentation at "Kultursommer Wien"

His work is already spoken in German, but Shpëtim Selmani has also brought the Albanian literary word to "Kultursommer Wien". It is the "Survival Manifesto" that has led him there to a presentation with the German publisher and writer Adrian Kasnitz, where, in addition to reading his poems, he also talked about literature, Kosovo and relations with Serbia. For Selman, it is his debut in Vienna, while his work is not unknown to the German-speaking reader.

Shpëtim Selman's literary work has already reached the readers of several European countries. With his creativity, he has managed to present his profile in prose and poetry. The next stop was the Austrian capital. In front of the public there, he presented the collection of poems "Manifesto of survival" in the framework of "Kultursommer Wien". 

Literature is one of the segments of the "Cultural Summer of Vienna" which has been taking place since June 27 and will last until August 11. Where publishing houses are invited to bring creators, "Parasitenpresse", which has already made Selman's work speak German, considered the writer from Kosovo the right one to present. From Selman, he has published "The Book of Love" in German, while "Ballad of the Cockroach" is also expected to be translated. 

Selmani announced that under the open sky - where all the events of the "Kultursommer Wien", which began to be organized in 2020, take place - he read ten poems from the "Survival Manifesto". But his profile has also been revealed there, since the literary creator has also spoken about literature in the country. 

"I read parts of the book 'Manifest des Überlebens' which is a book with a selection of poems in German. We had the program for an hour, I read ten poems. We also had a discussion about literature, about my books, about Kosovo and relations with Serbia", said Selmani. 
The event was held on Saturday afternoon in the "Wilhelmsdorfer" park in the Austrian capital.

The writer and poet, Selmani, said that Albanians were also present in the audience and that there were positive reactions to his work. 

"'Feedback' was interesting. There were also Albanians present. Then I also signed books and there were good words about it. It is important to mention that for the first time I had such an event in Vienna. Previously, I was in a residence for writers in Graz who were published in a literary magazine, but for the first time I did a public reading", he said while mentioning the importance of this presentation not only for him. 

"It is very important, because we know that today's literature is not being put into operation, it is not a literary time. Anything literary, any translation is also good for Albanian literature, because then people are interested. I would like to be a good motive to explore Albanian literature", said Selmani. 

In the explanatory text, the "Survival Manifesto" is defined as "a cry of lamentation and love".

"'Survival Manifesto' tells about the difficulties of life as an artist and a family man trying to make ends meet financially, psychologically and philosophically in a difficult reality. It is a cry of lamentation and love for an individual, for a generation, and thus similar to Allen Ginsberg's big date", writes Shpëtim Selman's publication.

"Parasitenpresse" is an independent publishing house based in Köln. It has been publishing works by non-German-speaking and international writers since 2000.

The "Survival Manifesto", translated by Zuzana Finger, was previously promoted within the "Balkantage München" festival that was held from March 1st to April 21st. 

Selmani studied sociology and acting at the University of Pristina. In addition to writing poetry and prose, he regularly acts in theater plays. Recently, apart from the theater stage, he is also one of the most engaged actors in films.

He has also published the books "Notes of a Quarrel" (2016) and "Poems in the Time of Blood and Despair" (2010-2017). With the work "The Book of Love" he was announced the laureate of the European Union Literary Prize, together with 12 writers. others.

In the "Cultural Summer of Vienna" which included reading and discussion, the German poet and publisher, Adrian Kasnitz, was alongside Shpëtim Selmani. According to "Kultursommer Wien", the pair talked about "origin, family, life in Kosovo and life in times of crisis, but sometimes even summer hugs help", referring at the end to Kasnitz's book - "Sommer-Umarmungen" (Summer hugs) . 
In the framework of the event, musical performances, theater shows, workshops, discussion panels, dance, literature, contemporary circus and more unfold. 

According to "Kultursommer Wien", about two thousand artists perform in different places, from the city center to the suburbs.

"The extensive program of Kultursommer 2024 is as diverse as the city itself: events and concerts ranging from rock, pop, classical music, jazz, dance, theatre, performance, contemporary circus, cabaret with choir and band," it reads. in the presentation of this event.