A month of Serbian detention for the riots in Zveçan

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The Basic Court in Pristina has ordered one month of detention against the defendant SM, due to the suspicion that he has committed the criminal offenses "Association for anti-constitutional activity", "Endangering persons under international protection", "Participation in a crowd that commits a criminal offense and hooliganism ” and “Attack on an official person”, related to the May riots in Zveçan.

The court, through a press release, announced "that there are legal reasons for ordering detention, taking into account the manner and circumstances in which the criminal offenses were committed, especially the social dangerousness of the criminal offences, the consequences of which many members of the KFOR, police officers, journalists and other citizens, as well as the numerous material damages from burning and physical damage, shows enough that the defendant, if left to defend himself in freedom, will try to change the evidence of the criminal offense, influencing in other suspects who are free as well as other possible witnesses, also in this particular case there is also the risk of the defendant's escape, the same can easily escape considering the fact that the defendant SM is also a citizen of Serbia and if he is released, you can escape, so in this case the appointment of detention is necessary and more than reasonable".

The court has assessed that the defendant SM is also a citizen of Serbia and if he is released, he can escape.

"The defendant SM is suspected of having participated in the protests organized on 29.05.2023 in front of the Zveçan Municipality building with a group of suspects, attacking members of KFOR and members of the Kosovo Police, as well as attempting to use foam to block the ventilation of the police car in which at those moments police officers were trapped inside the car, and the defendant's aim was to stop the supply of oxygen to these police officers, seriously endangering the lives of the police officers, with which the actions of this defendant fulfilled all the elements of the criminal offenses for which he is suspected", the announcement states.