
Gëzim Sveçla is released

The head of Vetevendosje assemblymen in Prishtina, Gëzim Sveçla

(Updated 13:35) - The Basic Court in Prishtina, General Department - Division for Criminal Cases has rejected the request of the Basic Prosecution in Pristina for the assignment of house arrest to the head of assembly members of the Vetëvendosje Movement, Gëzim Sveçla, deciding that he should be protected in freedom.

Sveçla is suspected of the criminal offense of "Destruction or damage to property", for the case of the demolition of the microphone in the Municipal Assembly in Pristina, reports "Oath of Justice".

The announcement states that the judge of the preliminary procedure has rejected the request of the Basic Prosecution in Pristina to set the measure of house arrest and the defendant is released to defend himself in freedom.

"The court, after hearing the parties and analyzing the request of the Basic Prosecution in Pristina for the imposition of house arrest, found that the request for the imposition of house arrest for the defendant GS is unfounded and goes beyond the purpose of the measures to ensure the presence of the defendants in the procedure, preventing the re-commitment of the criminal offense and for the successful implementation of the procedure and since the conditions for the appointment have not been met of the proposed measure, nor of any other milder measure, the court decided that the defendant GS be protected in freedom", the announcement states.

Also, the notice emphasizes that the purpose of the measures provided for in Article 171 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is  ensuring the presence of the defendants in the procedure, preventing the repetition of the criminal offense and the successful implementation of the procedure, and that these measures do not represent punishment for the person suspected of committing a criminal offense.

"There is a based suspicion that the defendant dated 09.12.2024 around 10:45, in the hall of the Municipal Assembly of Pristina, at the moment when the members of the Municipal Assembly left the hall for a break (break), the defendant GS member of the Municipal Assembly of Pristina, with the aim of interrupting the session of the Municipal Assembly, and that as an item of order  of the day was also the approval of the budget of the Municipality of Pristina for the year 2025, intentionally damaged the property of another person, respectively the public property (the microphone) placed on the table  The Speakers of the Municipal Assembly, in which case the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina is damaged  has caused material damage", the announcement states.

Against this decision, the dissatisfied parties have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeal, through the Basic Court in Pristina.

Sveçla is sent to the Court after removing the microphone of the Municipal Assembly

The head of assemblymen of the Vetëvendosje Movement, Gëzim Sveçla, was sent on Wednesday to the Basic Court in Prishtina, where a hearing is expected to be held for the appointment of the security measure, "Betimipredirëtësi" reported.

He was detained on Monday after he pulled out the microphone in the Municipal Assembly in Pristina.

Regarding Sveçla, the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Pristina has submitted a request for the assignment of house arrest.

The spokesperson of the Prosecution, Gent Sallauka, has confirmed for "Oath for Justice" that the head of the VV assemblymen has been requested to be placed under house arrest under the suspicion of "Destruction or damage to property".

"We inform you that the prosecutor of the case in this criminal case has taken a decision to start investigations due to the criminal offense of 'Destruction or damage to property' and has submitted a request for the imposition of house arrest on the suspect, as a measure to ensure of his presence in the criminal procedure and that all the necessary investigative actions will be taken in time regarding this case", announced the spokesperson of the Prosecution, Gent Sallauka.

Sveçla had stated that he had removed the microphone in the Municipal Assembly to reveal "a big bazaar in Pristina".