
Sadiku for the lists: poor VV, PDK without real leaders, LDK with reforms, AAK with unknowns

Political analyst Arbnor Sadiku

The political analyst, Arbnor Sadiku, has stated that the electoral list of the Vetëvendosje Movement is poor, saying that apart from Albin Kurti and Glauk Konjufca, the others "would not cross the threshold in other lists as they do not have their own opinion". .

He said on Thursday in KTV's "Interaktiv" that most of the candidates on this list "don't know what they are competing for". He mentioned Donika Gërvalla and Faton Peci from "Guxo", who according to him, are the only candidates who can get votes. According to Sadik, this list would otherwise not receive more than 2 percent of the votes.

"The list is poor, remove Kurti and Konjufca. Others, if they were from other lists, would not cross the threshold because they do not have their own opinion and do not know what they are competing for. The 'Guxo' list can come out with 1-2 percent since there is no big vote and the tie may be with Vetëvendosje's votes aiming to enter the Assembly. These are not VV's dough, and I think that VV is aware that the candidates who are deeply in line with the program they represent, they will get ministerial positions", he said.

According to analyst Sadiku, the non-inclusion of Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi in the electoral list "may be related to the fact that he receives few votes".

"I don't know what legitimacy you can lead if his ministers (Bislimit vj) have more votes. A deputy prime minister must have at least 40.000 votes. Bislimi is not a person who can gather votes for himself or for Vetevendosje", he added.

Commenting on the list of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Sadiku said that the real leadership of this party is found in The Hague (Hashim Thaçi and Kadri Veseli vj), adding that the voter may have dilemmas.

He said that the PDK has proven names.

Sadiku mentioned the candidates Artan Mustafa and Rashit Qalaj as names that, according to him, should go higher on the electoral list.

Speaking about the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Sadiku added that it is the party that has the best composition of female candidates. He added that this party has listed valuable women in the list, while adding that reforms have been made within the list. Sadiku said that he thinks that LDK has the best list of candidates.

For the Alliance and the Future of Kosovo and the INITIATIVE, Sadiku added that this list contains many unknown candidates. He added that he could have had other options "that came out of the regional clothes of the candidates".