An extraordinary session will be held on Monday (October 14) to discuss the problem of food supply for the Kosovo Security Force.
Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Besnik Tahiri, has announced that 43 signatures have been collected from the deputies for this session, and the proposal-resolution is to urgently resolve this issue.
"Tomorrow, at 12:00, at the request of the AAK Parliamentary Group, supported by 43 signatory MPs, an extraordinary session will be held on the problem of food supply for the Kosovo Army. Proposal The resolution is simple: 'The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo obliges the Government, the Ministry of Defense, to urgently resolve the issue of food supply as well as all other necessary equipment'. Tomorrow the Assembly will oblige the Government to solve this issue. For clarification: this draft of the Resolution can be completed by the deputies in the session", he wrote on Facebook.
The Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, has stated on Sunday that efforts have been made to secure supplies, in order to provide the food service for KSF personnel in the best possible way.