Shkëmb Manaj from the Democratic League of Kosovo has stated that this party intends to win the February 9 elections, but not with 50 percent.
On Thursday in KTV's "Interaktiv", Manaj estimated that a government with 50 percent of the votes is not good for the country.
"We have the ambition to win the elections. We have no ambition to win 50 percent. Despite all the circumstances, Kosovo needs a government that brings stability and not an arrogant government like this one now, and it has been proven that a government with 50 percent of the numbers is not good for Kosovo", he said.
Manaj added that the Law on Public Officials is an attack on the civil service and public administration.
"The LDK has struck down Article 18, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5, which deals with the mandates of civil servants of low and middle management level. With this law, all these officials will from now on be in positions with a 4-year mandate. The approach of this power from the beginning has been to capture the civil service of Kosovo and the public administration. The first decision of the Assembly that was taken was the dismissal of the members of the Independent Supervisory Council of the Civil Service of Kosovo, which was the first blow to the civil service and according to us, this was the goal to capture this council and then take other steps taken later with the Law on Public Officials. This blow to the civil service of Kosovo is a blow to the functioning of the state of Kosovo", he said.
Regarding the reaction of the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Bardhyl Dobra, who said that the opposition's submission of a complaint to the Constitutional Court for the amendment of this law is aimed at hindering the reform of the public administration, Manaj said that he does not know that how the civil service and public administration work.
"Mr. Dobra first of all does not know how the civil service and public administration work. He is a political person who tries to politicize the civil service, which should be independent and professional. Mr. Dobra tries to remove civil servants who have contributed through these laws", he said.