
Kurti: Investments are being made in the north that have not been made for two decades

Albin Kurti

Photo: Alban Bujari

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has said that investments are being made in the northern municipalities that have not been made for two decades, and according to him, the services that the citizens have been missing are being added.

In the opening sentence of the Government meeting on Wednesday, Kurti commented on the visit to the north yesterday, stressing that these are working visits that are being made to understand how neglected the citizens of that part are.

"Our visits of state officials to these municipalities are not against anyone, they are necessary to understand the needs of the citizens. In order to throw away mutual prejudices and to understand how marginalized the citizens there are, we are making these working visits. Investments are being made there that have not been made for two decades, services are being added that the citizens have been missing", he said.

Speaking about the closure of the facilities where the parallel structures operated, the Prime Minister said that the Government is not closing offices in the north, but on the contrary is adding more

"After reports that parallel structures were conducting illegal activities in the four northern municipalities, the security institutions have taken legal action for their release... this has enabled us to offer legal services. The driver's license unit, social work center, social welfare services, vehicle registration service and other services of the Ministry of Economy will be operationalized in those facilities. The government is not closing offices, on the contrary, it is opening, it is not limiting services, it is increasing them, it is not removing public services from citizens, we are bringing them closer. This is how our actions in the north should be seen", stated Kurti.

Who is for closure, as Kurti said, was seen last week. He thanked the police officials for the work they are doing against the bad plans, which according to Kurti, are not seen or discussed in public.

"We saw who is for closure last week. Masked groups in the eyes of the Serbian police played the role of border police, stopping cars and legitimizing citizens to understand their ethnicity. Our institutions, the Police and the intelligence have worked so that the purpose of these groups fails as it did. There is also a lot of work being done that is not known and not discussed in public. I want to thank our police officers and agents who enable the citizens to see and live only positive results, despite the bad plans that are aimed at and are never realized and never agreed upon", concluded Kurti.