The candidate for deputy of the Vetëvendosje Movement, Imri Demelezi, who is the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, has said that the promises that other parties are making during the current election campaign, the Vetëvendosje Movement has made for the last four years that it has been in power.
He added on the show "Elections in the Time" that it was the first time under the Kurti Government that the Ministry of Agriculture has prepared an agricultural strategy, and according to him, this has not been done by other governments in the past because "it has enabled them to change the rules and criteria that are in their interest groups' favor every year."
"In 2021, we started with the budget prepared by previous governments. So far, we have allocated 300 million euros for the agricultural sector and over 120 farmers have benefited. What they are promising, we have been doing for 4 years. Gradually, every year, we will increase the budget for agriculture. We are not giving an exact figure, but in large and medium-sized enterprises, 1 billion euros will be invested in the economic sector, which also includes agriculture," said Demelezi.