
Abrashi: Opposition parties' program feasible for a full mandate

Emir Abrashi

Emir Abrashi, policy analyst at the "Democracy Plus" organization, said that the opposition parties' program seems feasible for a full mandate.

However, he stressed that in general, promises made during the electoral campaign are heard before and sound difficult to implement. Worrying, he added, is the program of the current winning party, which according to him has realized very few of the commitments it made.

"In general, these are promises that we have heard before, promises that sometimes may sound difficult to realize. However, there is a dose of realism in the way these can be realized. The opposition's programs are quite concrete and it can be said that they are feasible for a full mandate. The LDK program is quite voluminous, there are things that are not impossible to implement if the will exists. What is worrying is that from the winning program of 2021, very few of them have been realized in reality," he said.

Baraliu: Parties' promises are unrealistic

Professor of legal affairs, Mazllum Baraliu, has said that the promises made by political parties during this election campaign are largely unrealistic.

During an interview on "Elections in the Time", Baraliu assessed that a correct atmosphere still prevails among political parties.

"Very dynamic presentation of the parties, with intensity, with a mobilizing spirit, but with mostly unrealistic promises. Things that have been said even earlier during the election cycles. Overall, however, there is still a correct atmosphere. Before the electorate, the parties should focus on showing what they plan to do. What they have offered, I'm not saying promised, leaves us to conclude that each party has a strategy, a design and mobilization of expressionist PR. They have also been activated with the diaspora, they have shown a mobilizing spirit abroad that may have an impact on the weight of the current result," he said.

Palokaj on language in the campaign: The level of decency is being exceeded

KOHË's Brussels correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, while speaking about the language used in the pre-election campaign, said that the level of decency is being exceeded. 

In a live broadcast of the show "Elections in Time", Palokaj said that political parties should show greater maturity when attacking each other.

"In my over 30 years of experience, I have followed campaigns throughout Europe, from Germany, Britain, Belgium, Croatia several times, Bosnia after the war, Albania during the unrest, especially with some serious accusations of treason and so on. But anyway, political parties do not do all this by chance, they do not do it out of ignorance, they do it more deliberately, so they have chosen such a tactic and calculate that citizens will trust them with everything in a political campaign, it has to do with how convincing they will be in front of those whose votes they are asking for. Therefore, I believe that we will have such a campaign until the end. Political parties will have to show greater maturity when attacking each other", he said. 

However, according to Palokaj, even in the largest democracy in the world, the United States, the values ​​of decency that existed before have been lost during campaigning.