The Democratic League of Kosovo's prime ministerial candidate, Lumir Abdixhiku, has promised a full 5 billion euros in investments during an electoral activity in Gurrakoc, Istog. He said that he will also increase the annual state budget to 5 billion euros, while he also promised his supporters in Gurrakoc investments in tourism.
The LDK leader, Lumir Abdixhiku, moved his electoral campaign to the village of Gurrakoc in Istog on Saturday. Abdixhiku said that the party he leads is the only hope for the citizens.
"Let's say it clearly, let's say it simply, when things go wrong, when things go backwards, when experiments end, and when our citizens demand seriousness, when our citizens demand jobs, when our citizens demand a state, they have a single address, they have a single direction, they have a single home, they have the LDK, the first and last hope of Kosovo," Abdixhiku said.
In Istog, the LDK candidate for prime minister promised investments in the development of mountain tourism in the Mokna area, in infrastructure, education and agriculture.
"When we talk about your Mokna, the wonderful mountains, which are a treasure waiting to be discovered, we have a concrete plan to turn Mokna into a center of mountain tourism, which will not only welcome visitors from Kosovo and the region, but will also create new jobs for the residents of this entire area. We will invest in the construction of tourist infrastructure, mountain trails, panoramic points and spaces for recreational activities that will place Gurrakoc on the map of the most important tourist destinations in Kosovo," said Abdixhiku.
In front of the participants, he also spoke about plans in the economy.
"In this journey of ours, we have concrete projects. We have 5 billion euros in investments, we have a 5 billion euros budget, we have 5 percent economic growth. In the high price problem, we have a commitment to increase salaries from the first week," said the LDK leader.
Abdixhiku has also promised a stable energy supply, through investment in an American gas power plant.
"In Kosovo of darkness, of candles and reductions, in Kosovo where there is no electricity because the government mocks by saying 'we have economic development', in this Kosovo, we will build the new Gas Power Plant in Ferizaj. 500 million euros investment, for the American gas power plant, to initially provide energy supply, and then also cheaper energy", he said.
The LDK continued its election campaign in Mitrovica on Saturday.
In this municipality, Abdixhiku said that during the next governing mandate, Kosovo's membership in Euro-Atlantic structures is aimed at.
Even in Mitrovica, Abdixhiku criticized the Kurti Government for, as he said, failure to fulfill promises to citizens.
There, too, he revealed his government's priorities of 5 billion euros in investments, 5 percent economic growth, and salary increases for employees in public institutions, while simultaneously criticizing the government for inaction.
"Over the past four years, the people of Kosovo have watched as big promises turn into empty promises, how they lose their weight before the loss of hope, and with the weight and hope, the dream of jobs, high salaries, decent schools that we need, healthy hospitals that we need, fair justice and life itself in Kosovo is also lost," Abdixhiku said. "I am not here with empty words, but with a political program. A program that has 5 billion investments, a program that has a 5 billion budget, 5 percent economic growth for our young men and women, our families, our workers, for all citizens of Kosovo."
Despite criticism, the LDK leader said before the electorate that he is for unity, not division.
"Therefore, I am not among you today to invite you to division and discord. To incite you to hatred towards others. To divide you into patriots and traitors, with me or with Serbia. We are few to be divided. We are few to be reviled. We are few to incite hatred towards others. We have enough opponents abroad," said Abdixhiku, who asked for the vote of the people of Mitrovica, for, as he said, change and for the national right-wing consolidation.