The Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, has said that this year textbooks will be offered through parents' subsidies.
Nagavci, in a media conference held on Tuesday, said that for students from grades 1-5 the value of the subsidy will be 80 euros, while for those from grades 6-9 the value will be 110 euros.
The subsidy application will open from tomorrow (Wednesday).
"We think that procedurally the application will be easier since the parents already have the accounts", said Nagavci.
Even last year, students were supplied with textbooks through parents' subsidies.
This form has been criticized and is still opposed by representatives of the United Education Union (SBASHK).
The president of this union, Rrahman Jasharaj, has said that the difficulties that can be produced, can encourage requests from teachers for the development of strikes.
The form of purchasing school textbooks through parents' subsidies has also been opposed in the Council of Parents of Kosovo.
Besnik Dragusha, chairman of the Council, has said that he has requested from the Ministry of Education that the supply of textbooks be done through a tender negotiated with publishing houses and not through parents' subsidies.
Last year, the teaching process started on September 1, but according to the directorates of education, some students were not supplied with textbooks until December. The Ministry of Education confirmed that some parents were not subsidized until April.
Last year, after no agreement was reached with the publishing houses, the Ministry of Education decided that the purchase of books should be done by the parents themselves with a subsidy from the ministry.
Parents are subsidized for the textbooks of each elementary student with 80 euros, while for students of the lower secondary level with 30 euros each.
According to the Minister of Education, over 11 million euros were spent on this process.