The Association of Journalists of Kosovo and the Council of Written Media of Kosovo have expressed their concern with the speech of Vetëvendosje MP, Fitore Pacolli.
In a press release, AGK and KMSHK say that in today's speech in the Assembly, MP Pacolli called for governmental regulation of the media, especially online media.
According to them, MP Pacolli's open call for direct intervention of the Government to control the media is unacceptable and represents a danger to the freedom of the media in the country.
"The media, most of which are registered as businesses in ARBK, while another part as NGOs, regulate their activity through the relevant laws in Kosovo and the regulations of the Independent Media Commission and the Council of Written Media", the announcement states. .
According to them, any attempt by the Government to exercise control over the media is an unacceptable attempt
KMSHK and AGK assess that this is a serious threat by the current government against the media.
"One worrying thing that was mentioned in the last resolution and that was not mentioned in previous years is that in recent years, large private investments in the media have been observed, through which the possibility of intervention and influence has been created in some main media and in those online which are being used for business purposes and political blackmail. So here we ask for the attention of the Assembly and the Government to take measures and understand more about what is happening with the operation of the media, with transparency and the identification of the ownership of the media", MP Pacolli said on Thursday in her speech in the Assembly .